Sunday, 8 June 2014

. Wordpress Plugin Development eBook Bangla Free Download

. Wordpress Plugin Development eBook Bangla Free Download 


Wordpress Plugin Development Bangla eBook for Beginner’s to Advance. Version : 1.0
Writter : Md. Liton Arefin
 eBook Language : Bengali 
First Publish : 10 Sep 2012 Published by : WordPress Group Bangladesh.

-= Category of this eBook =-  
* Plugin Structure

01. What is plugin ?
02. how to work plugin with wordpress ?
03. When your plugin loaded ?
04. 7 Reason for developing wp plugins
05. how to plugin folder Structure ?
06. Plugin header
07. Local Server Path
08. URL path

* Hooks

01. What is Wordpress hooks ?
02. what is filter hook ?
03. what is action hooks ?

* Plugin coding standard

01. Plugin activation or deactivation.
02. Uninstall.php
03. Uninstall Hook
04. Coding Standard
05. Php Standard
06. Sql Statement

* Integration with wordpress

01. Create Menu and Sub menu
02. Top Level Menu
03. Creating Widget

* Plugins Function

01. Some basic Function.
02.  ___() Function
03. -e() Function
04. esc_attr__() Function

* Plugin Security

01. Security
02. What is Plugin Security ?
03. What kind Security you give the plugin ?
04. User Permisions
05. Nonces
06. Creating Nonce URL
07. Creating Nonce Form
08. Database.

* Localizations and Settings API

01. Localization
02. Settings API
03. Settings API Functions
04. Settings Define Section
05. Joining CSS/JS File
06. SortCodes

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